Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Here's a thought.

My blog was two recently, I didn't flag it up because that would be a bit like expecting to you congratulate me on two years of gratuitously massaging my own ego, which would just be odd. 

However in light of this auspicious event I had a bit of a wander back through old posts, spotted the bit where I stopped writing make up reviews and only having pics of the stuff swatched on my arm and actually got brave enough to show pictures of the things "in the context of my face" an expression I will love til my dying day!  And something struck me as I looked back through those pictures.

I haven't changed.

Now this may not be particularly earth-shattering news to you but it rather shocked me.  I spend my every waking minute either dieting, recording every morsel that passes my lips, stressing about when I slip up, threatening to go to the gym, meaning to go the gym and sometimes even actually going to the gym or stuffing every single thing I can find to eat into my face whilst sitting on the sofa in my Uggs.  What can I say, I don't do middle ground.  And still I haven't changed.  

It struck me as I looked back over the pictures that maybe the time had come to stop beating myself up about being a size 18 to 20 and just accept it.  Then I decided to give up carbs and make a really big push towards losing 2 stone in 8 weeks before I go on holiday.  I decided that whilst buttering a crumpet.  I think the reality is I wouldn't be me if I wasn't waging a permanent war against myself!  I am more self accepting now than I have ever been, its easier to be me at 46 than it was at 26, but if you are 26, or 36 or even 46 you owe it to yourself to find something about you you love and to try and pay scant attention to the things you don't.  Reality is the things you love will still be there in ten or twenty years time and so will the things you hate and they might even have got worse so they just aren't worth the head space!  So here's a thought - share with me something or even somethings, you love about yourself - looks, personality anything, or compliments you have been paid that you have been able to accept graciously, lets acknowledge the good for once!
Have a positively beautiful day folks!


  1. What a lovely post Debbie and congratulations on your 2nd year anniversary! I don't change. Well, that isn't strictly true as I do change size wise but I can't maintain it so my default is chunky.

    I was just having a conversation earlier with someone who is worried about her daughter stressing about her size. Although people commented that the magazines these days are so bad for body image, I said that I felt it had always been the same. Some people will always be waging a war with their appearance and it's rarely to do with peer pressure or outside influence, it's more of a personal battle. It IS sad that it starts so young though. I know I've rarely been contented with myself at any given moment but I do look back and think 'what was I worried about then?'.

    Things I like about myself and readily accept compliments on? My skin and my sense of humour. If I'm never going to be a size 10, I at least want an active sense of humour ;)
    Jane x

    1. Thank you Jane and isn't that exactly it, in 10 yrs time I will be wishing I was only as fat and knackered looking as I am now, so I should embrace the fat and knackered of today and enjoy it!!! xx

  2. Oh this is a lovely post. I really struggle with this kind of thing....I'm sad to say I can't think of anything to say! I think I'm thoughtful and kind and a good mummy most of the time.

    Happy blog birthday xx

    1. OK well here's a practice for you "Charlie you have beautiful eyes". Now all you have to do is smile and say "Thank you for noticing Debbie" and we are good to go!! xx

  3. Really great post.

    We always seek out the negative in ourselves rather than the positive don't you think?

    Something I love about myself?

    I am me.

  4. And that is EXACTLY what everyone else loves about you too, perfect, perfect answer. To the 24 other people that have read this and not managed to find a single nice thing to say about yourselves - it was THAT easy! Thanks Kellie xxx

  5. Oh huge congratulations Debbie on blogging for 2 years - If I get to 6 months without deleting it'll be an achievement. If I had to pick something that I like about myself is that I don't mind getting things wrong and am the first to admit publicly to my ignorance of all sorts of things. As everyone else who has commented this is a great post. Thankyou xx

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment! I think being honest about stuff is a very admirable trait, we have all seen people make a complete ass of themselves by pretending to now more than they do! Well done you! xx

  6. What a lovely post, Debbie, and congratulations on the birthday. I couldn't agree more - when I look back at pictures of my teenage self, when I was worried about my size 12 - 14 figure, I wish I'd made the most of it! Three babies - and three c-sections - have done a lot of damage (not to mention the hundreds of Creme Eggs over the years). I honestly can't think of a physical thing, but I am a very hard worker and I always try my best. Hope that will do! Thanks for making me reflect. xx

    1. Thank you! Again, top trait - you cant beat a good work ethic. And totally with you on the teenage thing - all my mates were a size 10 or 12 and I felt like a complete heffer in my size 14 from Next blue flowered trousers! I spent much of my teens dressed like an herbaceous border and actually had a pair of trousers and a matching jacket that was pink roses on a white background, I loved it so much!! That said once I hit 19 I worked out that a good bra, stockings (never tights) fitted pencil skirt, cinched waist and one button too many undone on my blouse, all finished off with a pair of kick ass heels meant I knocked my skiny boobless mates into the shade with one swing of my generous hips! Those were the days!!

  7. I love this post! I'm 36 and I have been dieting since I was about 18. I am very much all or nothing too. I am slowly starting to accept that I will probably never change.

    That said, I'm quite fond of myself all the same. I like who I am and most of the time how I look. Maybe it's time to stop trying to conform to what people expect me to be x

    1. *Stands and applauds* I have looked at your blog, my first thought? "oh isnt she gorgeous"! You might not be a size 8 but you dress well, take pride in your appearance and have seriously enviable hair, whats not to like?! Good for you Linz!


Would love to hear from you, I always read comments and reply and I love not feeling like I am talking to myself! dx


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