Thursday, 12 July 2012

I suppose that it was inevitable.

We have 8 guest rooms, are open 7 nights a week for around 46 weeks a year and have been operating for 10 years.  A lot of people have walked through our doors and until yesterday all of them had left in the same way.  Very sadly one guest yesterday didn't.  I wont go into details as this isn't the time nor the place, but it made me realise that whilst we take each day for granted and assume that Thursday follows Wednesday and July will become August for someone, somewhere today might be the full stop, not the comma.

A salutary reminder that living each moment to the full should be considered compulsory, not optional.


  1. Hope everything is okay, sometimes it takes a shock to make us realise how much we need to appreciate life, it's a lesson I've learned lately too, wishing you all the best x

  2. Thank you, as you can imagine it was quite a shock but my thoughts are with his family. x

  3. Oh my goodness. A very important reminder indeed. It's so easy to become complacent and assume we have plenty more time. I hope you're ok xx

  4. Carpe Diem! I hope that you are all okay x

  5. That is awful, so sad. Hope you will all be okay.

    Fee x

  6. I was so excited to see a new post, and one that seemed to be about the guesthouse..someone's first day is always someone else's last. In our family it's been the joke, one in one out. Could have been me last night if I'd slipped in that bath. Have a good day of seizing things!

  7. you never think it could happen to you or any of your guests. so sad. :'( bless the family xx

  8. Hope you are okay. So sorry for his family. x

  9. Oh goodness you poor thing :( and his family too :(


  10. Thank you everyone. His family came here last Friday as they wanted to see where he spent his last few days. He was only 42 so you can imagine how they were feeling.


Would love to hear from you, I always read comments and reply and I love not feeling like I am talking to myself! dx


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