Sunday, 29 April 2012

Recalcitrant matte eye shadow?

You know I mentioned that I loved MAC Copperplate once I had coaxed it from the pan and onto my eyelids, which took getting on for a week, per eye, for a reasonable amount of opacity?  This morning I really wanted to wear matte eyeshadow but didn't have a lifetime to work on it so decided to do something so outrageous true beauty lovers should look away now.  I used the sponge applicator from my Revlon matte shadow.  I know, it felt all kinds of wrong to me too.  But you know what?  It only bloody worked!  Obviously I did all the intricate stuff like blending with a brush but using the much ridiculed sponge applicator worked a dream.  So there you go, if you have a matte that wont play ball dig out a sponge applicator and give it a whirl!


  1. Ha ha sometimes the old ways are the best ;)

    1. Yep certainly in this case! I just bought the new Sleek palette of matte shadows and they come with a sponge applicator - its a fab one too, much smaller than the Revlon one which is a bit huge for me.

  2. Personally, I have no problem with using sponge-tipped applicators. I find that for many purposes, they can be much more useful than a brush! That said, I do use both for various reasons.

    1. Yep I have definitely found that for matte eye shadow application is much improved with the sponge applicator, I use my brushes for blending it all out afterwards!


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